Das bieten wir:
- Planbare Arbeitszeiten: weil wir wollen, dass du auch Zeit für dein Privatleben hast (Mo-Fr zwischen 07:00 und 20:00 Uhr lt. Dienstplan)
- Teamwork: weil das Arbeiten im Team einfach mehr Spaß macht
- Benefits: weil wir möchten, dass du auch privat einen Vorteil hast
- Hauseigene Kantine: weil es sich hungrig nicht gut arbeiten lässt
- Firmen-Events: weil wir gerne arbeiten, aber auch feiern
- U-Bahn Nähe: weil wir deine Wege kurz halten wollen
- Infrastruktur: weil es sich in einem modernen Labor einfach besser arbeiten lässt
- Moderne Unternehmenskultur: weil wir auf gegenseitiges Vertrauen setzen
- Nachhaltigkeit: weil uns unsere Umwelt am Herzen liegt
Your personal sphere of play:
The research group “Atmospheric Transport Processes”, led by Prof. Andreas Stohl, is part of the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. The group develops the Lagrangian transport model FLEXPART and studies all aspects of transport in the atmosphere, ranging from greenhouse gases to pollutants, water vapour and heat, and we use inverse modelling techniques to determine sources of greenhouse gases or air pollutants. To learn more about our team, we invite you to visit our website: https://flexteam.univie.ac.at/. To learn more about FLEXPART, visit https://www.flexpart.eu/. We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher, who will contribute to the research conducted in our team. While we expect you to work with the FLEXPART model, you can also propose your own research topics. These could be, for instance, theoretical and numerical improvements of FLEXPART, development of new application fields for the model, or novel applications of the model in research fields that we already cover (e.g., analysis of ice core data; transport of heat, water, greenhouse gases, radionuclides or air pollutants in the atmosphere; inverse modelling; Lagrangian re-analyses).
- Unterstützung beim Fahrzeugumzug (Vorbereitung der Fahrzeuge für die nächste Vermietung. Tägliche Fahrzeuginventur. Standortgestaltung, Umzug der Fahrzeuge zwischen den Parkbereichen und Abwicklung der Fahrzeuglogistik.)
- Unterstützung beim Anmietungsprozess (Kunden am Schalter bedienen, Kunden über Mietbedingungen und verfügbare Dienstleistungen informieren, Produkte am Schalter verkaufen, Verwaltung der Mietverträge, Datenverwaltung im Flottenmanagementsystem, Zahlungsverwaltung.)
- Personenbeförderung zwischen Flughafen und Büro (das Unternehmen übernimmt die Kosten für den Kurs, der zum Erwerb der Taxifahrerqualifikation des Mitarbeiters erforderlich ist)
- Außen- und Innenreinigung
- Auftanken
- Schadensverwaltung (Rücknahme der Fahrzeuge von den Mietern. Überprüfung und Aufzeichnung etwaiger Schäden an den Fahrzeugen, Meldung von Problemen an die Vermietungsagenten. Fotografieren und Dokumentieren der Schäden, Mängel und sonstigen Verluste.)
- Abfertigung von Luftfrachtsendungen
- Auftragsannahme und entsprechende Disposition
- Sendungsabfertigung und Ausfuhrzollabfertigung (inkl. Gefahrgut)
- Erstellung und Überprüfung von Fracht/Ausfuhrdokumenten
- Sendungsverfolgung
- Raten/Preisverhandlungen mit Fuhrunternehmern/Reedern und Umschlagsbetrieben
- Kundenberatung und -betreuung
- Ggf. Rechnungsstellung/Abrechnung
- Ggf. Entgegennahme von Angebotsanfragen und Erstellung von (Ad-Hoc-)Offerten
- Ggf. Reklamationsbearbeitung
- Ggf. Abruf von Sendungen ausländischer Niederlassungen und Vertreter
- Du willst im Unternehmen das Steuer übernehmen?
- Du überblickst nicht nur den gesamten Transportprozess, sondern fährst nach einer umfassenden Ausbildung auch selbstständig LKW
- Du bist für das Fahrzeug verantwortlich und kontrollierst, wartest und pflegst es
- Auch bei der Planung Deiner Tour macht Dir niemand etwas vor, Du übernimmst das Transportgut, sicherst die Ladung und prüfst die mitzuführenden Papiere
- Das Wichtigste: Du repräsentierst DACHSER bei unseren Kunden
Enzersdorf a.d. Fischa | Schwechat
Enzersdorf a.d. Fischa | Schwechat
- Koordination des Cateringprozesses für ausgewählte Fluggesellschaften
- Übernahme des Equipments (Trolley und Container)
- Siegelkontrolle auf Unversehrtheit
- Zolldokumentation
- Allgemeine administrative und logistische Tätigkeiten
- Etikettendruck, Spezifikationen, Handouts und Ladepläne
- Verarbeitung von Lieferscheinen
- Kontrolle von Wareneingang, Bestellung und Inventur
- Dokumentation von Crew Verkäufen
- Rechnungsvorbereitung
- Durchführung von Qualitätskontrollen
- Einhaltung interner Standards sowie gesetzlicher Vorschriften (ASchG, HACCP, etc.)
- Abwicklung von Kunden- und Crew Beschwerdemanagement
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You hold courses within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
- Eine freiwillige 6. Urlaubswoche ab einem Jahr Betriebszugehörigkeit
- Vergünstigte Einkaufsmöglichkeiten im BAUHAUS
- Prämiensystem
- einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem modernen und dynamischen Unternehmen
- Modern, attractive and innovative workplace
- Great and pleasant working atmosphere in an ultra-modern office, production and logistics building with a friendly company culture.
- RINGANA Competence Development Programme with internal and external training and development opportunities
- Free lunch at the RINGANA Campus or meal allowances at our location in Vienna and free coffee
- Flexible working hours (flexitime, no core hours) and home office options for registered employees
- Preventive benefits and health measures
- Free parking spaces and e-bike rental at the RINGANA Campus or public transport/air conditioning subsidy for our crew in Vienna
- Private and discounted use of the e-charging stations at the RINGANA Campus
- Crew and team events such as after-work, summer party, Christmas parties, etc.
- Teambudget for departmental activities
- Support in the car rental process (Serve clients at the counter, informing clients about rental conditions and available services, selling upsale products over the counter, rental contracts administration, data management in fleet managing system, payment administration.)
- Damage administration (Taking back the cars from the renters. Checking and recording any damage in the vehicles, reporting problems. Photography and documentation of the damage, deficiencies and other losses.)
- Eventually support in car moving process (Preparing cars for next rental. Daily vehicle inventory. Site arrangement, moving vehicles between parking areas, and handling the logistics of the vehicles.)
Wien 22.Bezirk (1220) | XXXLutz Filiale Wien 22.Bezirk (1220) | Vollzeit
- ständige Kontrolle der Lagerbestände im Transport bzw. in der Einlagerung
- Ausgabe der Waren
Parndorf | XXXLutz Filiale Parndorf | Vollzeit
- Ständige Kontrolle der Lagerbestände im Transport bzw. in der Einlagerung
- Ausgabe der Waren
- Erfahrung im GMP Bereich von Vorteil
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Offene Kommunikation und Teamfähigkeit
- Sehr gute Umgangsformen sowie gepflegtes Auftreten
- Selbstständiges Arbeiten
- Erfahrung in der Reinigung wünschenswert
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse (Kundenkontakt)
- Gute Umgangsformen
- Freundliches Wesen sowie gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild
- Kommunikativ, kontaktfreudig und zuverlässig
- Toller Umgang mit Kids oder eine pädagogische Ausbildung
- EU-Staatsbürgerschaft oder gültige Arbeitsgenehmigung für den EU-Raum
- Perfektes Deutsch
- Wohnhaft Wien/Wien-Umgebung/Niederösterreich
- Mindestalter 18 Jahre
- Vollzeitbeschäftigung in Jahresstelle
- Arbeitsbekleidung samt Übernahme der Reinigung
- Frisch gekochtes Mittagessen gegen geringen Unkostenbeitrag
- Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung und Nutzungsmöglichkeit der betrieblichen Gesundheits- und Freizeiteinrichtungen (Thermalbad, Sauna, Fitness)
- Zahlreiche interne und externe Vergünstigungen (Rabatte bei Partnerbetrieben)
- Parkgarage nach Verfügbarkeit und optimale öffentliche Anbindung (U 1)
- Für diese spannenden Aufgaben bieten wir ein monatliches Bruttogehalt von € 2.200,00 zuzüglich € 70,00 Essenszulage.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You build up an independent research profile in the field of inorganic mass spectrometry driven metallomics.
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of metallomics.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You apply for projects and raise third-party funds.
- You prepare and complete a publication-ready habilitation.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise your students.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and publications.
- You participate in the organisation of conferences and symposia.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of biophysical chemistry.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Completed doctoral/PhD studies in subject Sociology, Political Science, or closely related fields
- Outstanding dissertation
- Firm understanding of the collection and analysis of survey or experimental data and of the relevant statistical techniques, preferably documented by publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Use of experimental methods, a pertinent teaching record and international experience are of advantage.
- The teaching will cover courses regularly offered by the Department.
- Didactic skills / experience in e-learning
- IT skills (MS Office, Stata or R and if possible oTree)
- Excellent knowledge of German and English (C1)
Your personal sphere of influence:
We are seeking support in Scandinavian Studies! As a university assistant (Prae doc) at the Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies, you will join a highly engaged team that offers a supportive and collaborative environment, as well as access to ongoing research activities. This Prae doc position is assigned to the Chair of Scandinavian Literary and Cultural Studies.
What you can expect:
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You participate in publications / academic articles.
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies .
- Yor are involved in the organisation of conferences, meetings, symposiums.
- You apply for projects and raise (external) funds.
- Independent teaching of courses defined by the collective agreement
- You supervize students.
- You participate in evaluation activities and in quality assurance
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of biophysical chemistry.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
- Ticketkontrolle
- Aufsicht in unseren Prunkräumen
- Ausgabe und Transport von Audioguides
- Eine Weiterentwicklung in die Tätigkeit als KulturvermittlerIn, nach Absolvierung eines internen Qualifizierungsprogramms möglich
Your professional field of activity:
- Collaboration and research in the field of stochastics/mathematical finance/optimization:
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will be involved in an unique research project in which we collaborate with top scientific institutions such as NASA and NOAA.
- You will be in the field for large-scale aircraft measurement campaigns (typically several weeks per year) that only a few groups in the world carry out.
- You will characterize new instruments in the laboratory, perform airborne aerosol measurements, and analyze the coarse mode aerosol and cloud data from laboratory experiments and field observations.
- You will work on your dissertation and towards its completion in time. You will present your research plan to the faculty and complete a dissertation agreement within 12-18 months. This will be reviewed and adapted on an annual basis.
- You will actively and continuously perform literature search to independently locate relevant journal articles.
- You will contribute to teaching (lab courses, exercise classes) within the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You will fill some administrative tasks, contributing to the success and self-organization of the group for research, teaching and administration.
- You will contribute to outreach by publications, conference presentations and public activities.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your role:
- Pursuing your doctoral research independently with the support of two academic supervisors from the department
- Completing a dissertation agreement (incl. full doctoral proposal to be assessed by a faculty board) within 12 months
- Presenting your research at international conferences
- Publishing your research in international outlets
- Independent teaching of courses as defined by the university’s collective bargaining agreement
- Participation in administrative activities
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
Your role:
- You will develop and strengthen an independent research profile, including internationally visible publications
- You will present your work internationally
- You will hold courses independently as defined by the university's collective bargaining agreement (typically 180 minutes of classroom teaching per week each academic semester)
- You will supervise students (BA and MA)
- You will participate in administrative activities, quality assurance and evaluation activities
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You support the scientific staff in the organization and administration of their research and teaching tasks. This means, among other things: You organize meetings, workshops and travel activities. You take minutes and prepare data. You support in the preparation of publications and events. You manage project budgets.
- You are the central contact person and take care of the English and German correspondence with all interfaces (internal team, university, project partners, students, etc.).
- You administrate job advertisement in recruiting processes and support hiring of new staff members right through to the first steps of onboarding.
- You accommodate and assist guest researchers and cooperation partners.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of Technology and Innovation Management.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.