Your personal sphere of play:
- Developing and strengthening the independent research profile
- Involvement in research projects / research studies
- International publications and presentations
- Supervision of students
- Involvement in the department administration and in research administration
- You conduct high-quality research with societal impact that is publishable in top international journals
- You collaborate with a dynamic team of demographic experts
- The position does not entail teaching obligations
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of play:
- Developing and strengthening the independent research profile
- Involvement in research projects / research studies
- International publications and presentations
- Supervision of students
- Involvement in the department administration and in research administration
- You conduct high-quality research with societal impact that is publishable in top international journals
- You collaborate with a dynamic team of demographic experts
- The position does not entail teaching obligations
Your personal sphere of play:
- Develop AI-driven tools for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
- Design and implement software solutions and data processing pipelines for computational modeling, including data analysis and preparation of publication-ready results.
- Teach and support educational activities, independently and in collaboration, as outlined by the collective bargaining agreement.
- Organize and contribute to scientific events, including meetings, conferences, and symposiums.
- Assist with administrative duties related to research, teaching, and departmental operations.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Auf- und Ausbau eines selbstständigen Forschungsprofils in Kooperation mit Kolleg*innen am EIF;
- Internationale Publikations- und Vortragstätigkeit;
- Aufbau langfristiger Forschungsstrukturen und die Einwerbung von Drittmitteln;
- Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen und Studierendenbetreuung;
- Mitwirkung in Forschungsprojekten und Durchführung internationaler Konferenzen;
- Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung;
- Mitwirkung in der Forschungs-, Lehr- und Institutsadministration;
- Geplantes Beginndatum ist der 01.02.2025; Dauer des befristeten Vertrags für 36 Monate (31.01.2028); Bewerbungsfrist bis 09.01.2025.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Ihre Aufgaben:
- Erstellung eines Literaturreviews gemeinsam mit dem Team des Instituts für Ausbildungsforschung
- Entwicklung eines Projektdesigns
- Nutzung der bereits angebahnten Forschungskooperationen
- Ausarbeitung eines Drittmittelantrags
- die Planung und Durchführung von Datenerhebungen und -auswertungen
- die gemeinsame Konzeption und Ausarbeitung von Publikationen
- die gemeinsame Planung und Erstellung von Drittmittelanträgen für Forschungsprojekte
- die Anleitung und Begleitung von engagierten Studierenden, welche ihre BA-/MA-Arbeiten zu gemeinsam definierten Themen durchführen
Your personal sphere of play:
- Establishing or expanding your profile as an independent researcher in cooperation with colleagues at EIF;
- Being active internationally in publishing and holding lectures;
- Founding long-term structures for research and acquisition of external funds;
- Teaching and supervising students;
- Participating in research projects and hosting international conferences;
- Taking part in research evaluations and quality assurance;
- Involvement in administrating research, teaching and institutional matters;
- Starting date scheduled for February 1st, 2025; Duration of the limited contract for 36 months (January 31st, 2028); Deadline for applications on January 9th, 2025.
Your role:
- You will develop and strengthen an independent research profile, including internationally visible publications
- You will present your work internationally
- You will hold courses independently as defined by the university's collective bargaining agreement (typically 180 minutes of classroom teaching per week each academic semester)
- You will supervise students (BA and MA)
- You will participate in administrative activities, quality assurance and evaluation activities
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Abgeschlossenes Doktorats-/PhD-Studium der Fachrichtung Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft oder eng verwandte Felder
- Hervorragende Dissertation
- Nachweis fundierter Kenntnisse zur Erhebung und Analyse von Umfrage- oder experimentellen Daten sowie der relevanten statistischen Verfahren, vorzugsweise nachgewiesen mittels Publikationen in internationalen Fachzeitschriften
- Die Verwendung experimenteller Methoden, einschlägige Lehrerfahrung und Auslandserfahrung sind von Vorteil.
- Die Lehre beinhaltet die Übernahme von Lehrveranstaltungen im bestehenden Angebot des Instituts.
- Didaktische Kompetenzen / Erfahrung im e-learning
- IT-Kenntnisse (MS Office, Stata oder R sowie nach Möglichkeit oTree)
- Ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse (C1)
Your personal sphere of play:
- Completed doctoral/PhD studies in subject Sociology, Political Science, or closely related fields
- Outstanding dissertation
- Firm understanding of the collection and analysis of survey or experimental data and of the relevant statistical techniques, preferably documented by publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Use of experimental methods, a pertinent teaching record and international experience are of advantage.
- The teaching will cover courses regularly offered by the Department.
- Didactic skills / experience in e-learning
- IT skills (MS Office, Stata or R and if possible oTree)
- Excellent knowledge of German and English (C1)
Your personal sphere of play:
- Developing or further enhancing an independent research profile
- Participating in research projects and academic studies
- Engaging in international publishing and conference activities
- Applying for a securing third-party funding for projects
- Preparing or completing a habilitation thesis
- Independently teaching courses as per the collective agreement
- Advising and supporting students
- Contributing to evaluation processes and quality assurance measures
- Assisting with research, teaching, and departmental administration
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will contribute to our various research activities and scientific studies on language variation in Austria. This includes contributing to language data collection and analysis as well as publications of research results and other dissemination activities (talks, media contributions, conferences, etc.).
- We expect you to complete your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You will work on your dissertation (with a focus on corpus linguistics in the area of language variation in Austria).
- You will independently teach courses in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement.
- You will take over administrative tasks in research & teaching.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You prepare and complete a publication-ready habilitation thesis.
- You (further) create an independent research profile in the field of liturgical studies.
- You participate in research projects and scientific studies within the various areas of theological studies described above.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You apply for projects and raise third-party funds.
- You hold courses independently in accordance with the collective agreement provisions.
- You support your students in regards to research and exam preparation.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Auf- bzw. Ausbau eines selbständigen Forschungsprofils
- Mitwirkung in Forschungsprojekten / bei wissenschaftlichen Studien
- Internationale Publikations- und Vortragstätigkeit
- Projektbeantragung und Drittmitteleinwerbung
- Vorbereitung / Fertigstellung einer Habiliation
- Selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen
- Studierendenbetreuung
- Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung
- Mitwirkung in der Forschungs-, Lehr- und Institutsadministration
Ihr persönlicher Wirkungsbereich:
- Sie arbeiten aktiv beim Abschluss des ERC Advanced Grant InfraNorth mit.
- Sie wirken in anderen Forschungsprojekten in der Umweltanthropologie und benachbarten Gebieten mit.
- Sie haben darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit, eigene Projekte zu entwickeln.
- Sie publizieren international und halten Vorträge.
- Sie bereiten eine Publikation Ihrer Dissertation oder Habilitation vor.
- Sie halten selbstständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen.
- Sie betreuen Ihre Studierenden.
- Sie wirken an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
- Sie übernehmen administrative Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Lehre.
Ihr persönlicher Wirkungsraum:
- Sie bauen ein selbstständiges Forschungsprofil im Bereich Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht auf.
- Sie wirken in Forschungsprojekten und bei wissenschaftlichen Studien im Bereich Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht mit.
- Sie publizieren international und halten Vorträge.
- Sie bereiten eine publikationsreife Habilitation vor und stellen diese fertig.
- Sie halten selbstständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen.
- Sie betreuen Ihre Studierenden.
- Sie wirken an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
- Sie übernehmen administrative Tätigkeiten in Forschung & Lehre.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You build up an independent research profile in the field of Microeconomic Theory with applications.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You participate in examination activities.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Doctoral degree / PhD either in Geophysics, or - if in a neighbouring field - experience in seismology.
- Interest in geophysical field work, and the related data analysis, interpretation, and the data flow (toward national/international data bases).
- Excellent command of written and spoken English is a necessity.
- Knowledge of the German language would be an advantage.
- Advanced computer capabilities are indispensable, as is the capability of interacting in a research group.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You will build up an independent research profile in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will be involved in research projects and academic studies in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will publish internationally and give lectures.
- You will prepare and complete a habilitation ready for publication.
- You will teach courses independently in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement.
- You will supervise your students.
- You will be involved in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
- You will take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Sie bereiten eine publikationsreife Habilitation vor und stellen diese fertig.
- Sie bauen ein selbstständiges Forschungsprofil im Bereich Liturgik (weiter) auf.
- Sie wirken in Forschungsprojekten und bei wissenschaftlichen Studien mit.
- Sie publizieren international und halten Vorträge.
- Sie beantragen Projekte und werben Drittmittel ein.
- Sie halten selbstständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen.
- Sie betreuen Ihre Studierenden bei Recherche und Prüfungsvorbereitung.
- Sie wirken an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
Position Overview:
- Develop and implement computational models to analyze genomic data.
- Collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to design and conduct paleogenetic studies.
- Prepare research findings for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
- Contribute to grant applications, including the potential to apply for an FWF Esprit grant for further research funding.
- You supervise the research conducted by master's and doctoral students.
- You contribute to the Department's teaching activities.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
Auf- bzw. Ausbau eines eigenständigen Lehr- und Forschungsprofils -
Vorbereitung und Fertigstellung einer (publikationsreifen) Habilitation / eines Forschungsprojektes -
Mitwirkung bei der Organisation von Tagungen, Konferenzen, Symposien -
Mitwirkung an Projektentwicklung und Drittmitteleinwerbungen -
Selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen, Prüfungstätigkeit und Studierendenbetreuung -
Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung -
Mitwirkung in der Administration
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
Auf- bzw. Ausbau eines eigenständigen Lehr- und Forschungsprofils -
Vorbereitung und Fertigstellung einer (publikationsreifen) Habilitation / eines Forschungsprojektes -
Mitwirkung bei der Organisation von Tagungen, Konferenzen, Symposien -
Mitwirkung an Projektentwicklung und Drittmitteleinwerbungen -
Selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen, Prüfungstätigkeit und Studierendenbetreuung -
Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung -
Mitwirkung in der Forschungs-, Lehr- und Institutsadministration
Your personal sphere of play:
- You develop an independent research profile in artificial intelligence and machine learning, in the context of drug discovery.
- You take a leading role in the research and management of the COMP3D group, including its high-performance compute resources.
- You supervise the research conducted by master's and doctoral students.
- You contribute to the Department's teaching activities.
- You engage with colleagues from adjacent fields and collaborate on interdisciplinary research.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You apply for projects and raise third-party funds.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You build up an independent research profile in the fields of trace element analytics and speciation.
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of environmental cycling of nano- and microparticles.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You apply for projects and raise third-party funds.
- You prepare and complete a publication-ready habilitation.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise your students at EDGE.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second book project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of play:
The research group “Atmospheric Transport Processes”, led by Prof. Andreas Stohl, is part of the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics. The group develops the Lagrangian transport model FLEXPART and studies all aspects of transport in the atmosphere, ranging from greenhouse gases to pollutants, water vapour and heat, and we use inverse modelling techniques to determine sources of greenhouse gases or air pollutants. To learn more about our team, we invite you to visit our website: To learn more about FLEXPART, visit We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher, who will contribute to the research conducted in our team. While we expect you to work with the FLEXPART model, you can also propose your own research topics. These could be, for instance, theoretical and numerical improvements of FLEXPART, development of new application fields for the model, or novel applications of the model in research fields that we already cover (e.g., analysis of ice core data; transport of heat, water, greenhouse gases, radionuclides or air pollutants in the atmosphere; inverse modelling; Lagrangian re-analyses).
Ihr beruflicher Tätigkeitsbereich:
- Mitarbeit und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Stochastik:
Your professional field of activity:
- Collaboration and research in the field of stochastics: