Deine Aufgaben:
- Leitung von IT Projekten und Begleitung der Projektumsetzung bzw. Produktweiterentwicklung mit Fokus auf agilem Vorgehen
- Steuerung der externen Dienstleister
- Anforderungsanalyse, Backlogmanagement, Koordination von iterativen Feedbackzyklen und Tests (Inspect and Adapt) sowie Steuerung Rollout und Change-Management
- Projektcontrolling (Leistungen, Termine, Kosten, Ressourcen)
- Committed collaboration in the preparation and implementation of projects
- Support in the planning, coordination and promotion of events on subject-specific topics (e.g. webinars, workshops, conferences) aimed at scientists, students and the public
- Cooperation in organisational and administrative tasks in the field of teaching
Description of the position:
- Support the head of ELIXIR AT and the associated leadership group with planning and implementation of activities in the Austrian node
- Contribute to initiating and facilitating collaboration within the development of infrastructure between the partner institutions
- Coordinate communication and cooperation within ELIXIR AT and with ELIXIR's Hub and other ELIXIR nodes
- Establish and maintain channels and forums to ensure good interaction with and between the relevant professional environments at the partner institutions, ELIXIR AT and ELIXIR internationally
- Coordinate collaboration between other relevant research infrastructures locally, nationally and internationally
- Participate in writing funding applications and associated reporting
- Contribute to outward-directed operations and communication, including the node's websites and social media.
- Collaboration in the preparation and implementation of projects
- Administrative participation in teaching as well as in the supervision of students
- Organizational support in the supervision of exercises
- Administrative involvement in teaching and in the supervision of students, in particular support in communication with students
- Organisational support in the supervision of courses
- Assistance with organisational and administrative tasks in the area of teaching
Your professional field of activity:
- Collaboration and research in the field of stochastics/mathematical finance/optimization:
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of corporate law.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You will work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You will teach courses independently in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your tasks:
- Development of computational models and softwares to be used in the direct simulation of biomedical problems such as the cardiovascular system and brain tumor growth, in uncertainty quantification, and in the inverse problem of parameter identification for model personalization.
- Maintenance of the research group simulation codes.
Your tasks:
- PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Physics or closely related field
- Experience in mathematical models for medical applications (desirable experience in cardiac electrophysiology models)
- Experience in segmentation of medical images
- Experience with Python and/or C++ programming languages
- Familiarity or experience with OpenCARP software (desirable)
Your personal sphere of play:
- Plan and execute experiments on host-microbiome interactions in mice and humans.
- Plan and perform (meta)proteomics experiments using quantitative mass spectrometry.
- Analyze (meta)proteomics data.
- Manage and develop research projects and publish acquired results.
- Manage collaborative projects within our research group and with our collaboration partners.
- Teach Bsc and Msc students of pharmacy in lectures and practical courses.
- Supervise research projects of Msc and PhD students.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second book project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Was erwartet Sie?
- Administration des Datenschutz-Managementsystems, insbesondere des Verzeichnisses der Verarbeitungstätigkeiten
- Monitoring und Management von Ereignissen aus Sicht des Datenschutzes
- Planung und Durchführung regelmäßiger interner Datenschutz-Audits
- Durchführung von Risikoanalysen im Datenschutzbereich an der Schnittstelle zum Bereich der IT
- Innerbetriebliche Schulungsmaßnahmen
- Betreuung der Collaboration-Tools im Bereich Datenschutz
- Partizipation an einschlägigen Projekten
- Betrieb und Weiterentwicklung einer unternehmensweiten Datenschutzstrategie
Your personal sphere of influence:
- are involved in process mining research.
- will work on your doctoral dissertation and its completion.
- will contribute to the teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- will supervise students in bachelor and master projects
- will contribute to the administration and other operational aspects of the group's scientific and educational activities
Ihr Profil
- Abgeschlossene technische Ausbildung (Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik etc.)
- (Erste) relevante Berufserfahrung idealerweise in der Montage oder im Kundendienst
- Kunden- und Dienstleistungsorientierung sowie sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse
- Ausgeprägte Analysefähigkeit und systematische Vorgehensweise
- Hohe Affinität im Umgang mit digitalen Technologien
- Führerschein B
Your tasks:
- Develop Neural Network models to predict three dimensional complex molecular
- cluster structures and thermo-chemical properties.
- Software development and documentation.
- Support scientific data interpretation (e.g., CHEOPS, JWST) and preparation for future missions.
- Publication and support in proposal writing activities, and collaborate with group members.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies in the field of history didactics, historical-political didactics or civic education
- Participation in publications / academic articles / digital publications / presentations
- We expect to finalize a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching, administration and organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of history didactics or civic education.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
Who We Are
- Your main task is to complete your dissertation! If not yet done, a doctoral thesis agreement is expected to be concluded within 12 months.
- Teaching, in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement
- As a member of the chair you actively participate in shared research, teaching and administration tasks
Du bist bei uns richtig, wenn dir folgende Dinge genauso wichtig sind wie uns:
- Eine attraktive, außertarifliche Vergütung und flexible Arbeitszeiten (inklusive der regelmäßigen Arbeit von zuhause) sind selbstverständlich für uns
- Einen (elektrischen) Dienst-PKW zur uneingeschränkten privaten Nutzung und weitere Benefits, z.B. Bonuszahlungen, Mitarbeiterbenefits und eine kostenfreie 24/7 Unfallversicherung
- Ein zukunftsträchtiger, langfristig ausgerichteter Arbeitsplatz in einem krisensicheren Unternehmen
- Unser Anspruch hinsichtlich Nachhaltigkeit: wir werden CO2 frei bis 2030 und sind damit Vorreiter der Industrie und weit darüber hinaus
- Eine ausgefeiltes Einarbeitungskonzept unterstützt Dich bei deinem Start im KONE Team
- Die spezielle KONE-Kultur mit finnischer Note wird Dir viele Freiräume bei der Arbeit und kurze Kommunikationswege „per DU“ bieten
Your personal sphere of play
- Participation in the management of the research lab of the Advertising and Media Psychology Research Group
- Organization, coordination and implementation of various data collection and linking activities in collaboration with Professor Matthes in the fields of persuasion research/media psychology, especially on the topic of digital media (e.g., experiments, panel surveys, content analyses, eye-tracking)
- (International) publishing and presentation activities in the fields of persuasive communication, advertising and digital media
- Proposals and development of new research projects and acquisition of third-party funding
- Support in the supervision of student assistants and processing of acquired third-party funded projects
- Activities in third mission and science communication
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in research, teaching and department administration
Your personal sphere of play:
- Participation in the development of the research network Data Science @ Uni Vienna, especially for the new Masters programs Business Analytics, Data Science and Digital Humanities
- Participation in data science research
- International publishing and presentation activities
- Participation in the supervision of PhD students
- Project application and external fundraising
- Holding classes due to extent regulations of wage agreement
- Supervision of students; examination activities
- Participation in the administration of Data Science @ Uni Vienna (e.g. organization of workshops)
- Possible research foci include but are not limited to: machine learning, data mining, visual data analysis, mathematical foundations of data science, scalable methods for massive data or applications of data science, e.g. in physics, life sciences, economics, social sciences or the humanities
- Possibility to prepare and finalize a habilitation
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will develop a multi-part project with clear goals and defined manuscripts
- You will lead all aspects of your project from the development of hypothesis to the collection of data and publishing of results
- You will contribute to teaching as circumscribed by the guidelines for praedoc positions at the University of Vienna
- You will contribute, if needed, to the mentoring of master and bachelor students in the group, with an emphasis on training students in skills related to your area of specialization
- You will present your research at international conferences
Your personal sphere of play:
- You will continue to build an independent research profile in your field
- You participate in and contribute to ongoing research projects
- You develop new projects and apply for third-party funding
- You publish in international journals as both the lead author and as a co-author on papers from the group to which you contribute
- You serve as the instructor of record for courses related to your area of expertise within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement
- You supervise or co-supervise master and PhD students in the group, with an emphasis on training students in skills related to your area of specialization
- You contribute to group administration, such as the preparation of reports and personnel management
- You contribute to the maintenance of wet-lab and dry-lab infrastructure
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
- Research in the field of THz electronics
- Deepen scientific knowledge and conduct independent research work on the specific projects
- Successful completion of important milestones and of the Future THz Doctoral Programme curriculum
- Presentation of research results at international conferences and other scientific events
- Writing publications and a PhD thesis
- Participation in scientific events and other outreach activities
- Participation in organizational and administrative tasks of the doctoral programme