Your personal sphere of influence:
- are involved in process mining research.
- will work on your doctoral dissertation and its completion.
- will contribute to the teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- will supervise students in bachelor and master projects
- will contribute to the administration and other operational aspects of the group's scientific and educational activities
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies
- Participation in publications / academic articles / presentations
- We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students
- Involvement in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration
Your personal sphere of play:
- Participation in the development of the research network Data Science @ Uni Vienna, especially for the new Masters programs Business Analytics, Data Science and Digital Humanities
- Participation in data science research
- International publishing and presentation activities
- Participation in the supervision of PhD students
- Project application and external fundraising
- Holding classes due to extent regulations of wage agreement
- Supervision of students; examination activities
- Participation in the administration of Data Science @ Uni Vienna (e.g. organization of workshops)
- Possible research foci include but are not limited to: machine learning, data mining, visual data analysis, mathematical foundations of data science, scalable methods for massive data or applications of data science, e.g. in physics, life sciences, economics, social sciences or the humanities
- Possibility to prepare and finalize a habilitation
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will work on an innovative research project
- You will support the project team in researching issues in the field of process mining
- You program prototypical implementations for specific questions
- You support the preparation of internal and external project meetings
- You have the opportunity to write a project-related thesis (e.g. Bachelor's or Master's thesis) (optional)
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will work on an innovative research project
- You will support the project team in researching issues in the field of process mining
- You program prototypical implementations for specific questions
- You support the preparation of internal and external project meetings
- You have the opportunity to write a project-related thesis (e.g. Bachelor's or Master's thesis) (optional)
Your tasks:
- Develop Neural Network models to predict three dimensional complex molecular
- cluster structures and thermo-chemical properties.
- Software development and documentation.
- Support scientific data interpretation (e.g., CHEOPS, JWST) and preparation for future missions.
- Publication and support in proposal writing activities, and collaborate with group members.
- Committed collaboration in the preparation and implementation of projects
- Support in the planning, coordination and promotion of events on subject-specific topics (e.g. webinars, workshops, conferences) aimed at scientists, students and the public
- Cooperation in organisational and administrative tasks in the field of teaching
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You look after measuring equipment and its control (often Python-based).
- You take on the maintenance and servicing of devices.
- You train new employees in the use of devices and device test control.
- You are an important link between different experiments and ensure that device-related know-how is shared within the group.
- You support the creation of new setups, especially in the field of electronics (simple circuits, synchronization of experiments, Arduino, Raspberry Pi...).
- You obtain cost estimates for new purchases and repairs and negotiate with the companies.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence
- You actively collaborate in the area of empirical content, reception and effects research, especially advertising research.
- You publish your research in international highly-ranked journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- Contribution to the department administration is expected.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- sind in der Process-Mining-Forschung tätig.
- arbeiten an Ihrer Dissertation und deren Fertigstellung mit.
- beteiligen sich an der Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Sinne des Tarifvertrags
- betreuen Studierende bei Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
- tragen zur Verwaltung und zu anderen operativen Aspekten der wissenschaftlichen und pädagogischen Aktivitäten der Gruppe bei.
Your personal sphere of play
- You build up your research profile and proactively integrate in the research group.
- You publish in internationally, high-ranking journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise students and participate in examination activities within the Bachelor and Master programs Journalism and Communication Studies.
- You participate in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Advancing understanding of the “Improving the quality of Translation/Revision/PEMT output by using automatic speech tools” and “Cognitive investigations of collaborative Translation/Revision/PEMT practices involving speech technologies” research themes of the ZTW HAITrans research group.
- Building the HAITrans internal capacity for conducting data-driven research of Machine Translation technologies and practices. Designing, performing and analysing eye-tracking experiments. Providing scientific and technical support to group members.
- Strengthening an independent research profile.
- Publishing in high-ranked journals/conference proceedings.
- Being responsible for submitting project applications and acquiring third-party funding.
- Being responsible for engaging with the community of professional translators.
- Independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement.
- Participation in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
- Taking the lead in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums.
- Involvement in the department administration, as well as in teaching and research administration.
Your personal scope of action:
- Renowned management programs: e.g. M.Sc. in Business