spannende Aufträge österreichweit, eine professionelle Betreuung und attraktive Verdienstmöglichkeiten.
In a project fully funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the successful candidate will explore demographic responses of alpine biota (flowering plants and arthropods) to past climatic oscillations. Specifically, the following question will be addressed: • Did high-elevation species of the European Alps respond to Pleistocene climate oscillations by postglacial expansion or by postglacial contraction? • Were these range shifts affected by the ecological characteristics of these species? • Are past population size and range changes predictive of changes expected under current global climate change? By comparatively studying species from different plant and animal lineages, it will be possible to distinguish both (i) general patterns (i.e., applicable to many species) from idiosyncratic ones (i.e., applicable to single or a few species only) and (ii) patterns specific to certain major groups (e.g., animals vs. plants) from patterns specific to certain ecological groups (e.g., species from swards vs. screes). By identifying characteristics affecting the response of high-mountain species to global warming in a predictable manner, this research can significantly contribute towards generating hypotheses with respect to the fate of high-elevation species under current global climate change.
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Brutto Netto Rechner
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